Sponsor of the Safety Leadership Conference event app (downloadable through iTunes store or Google Play)
Company logo on the splash screen, alongside the EHS Today SLC logo, everytime a user enters the app
Banner ad at the top of the home screen
Top priority placement within the Sponsors section
Ability to post up to 3 documents within the Show Document section
Sponsor will be permitted to send one alert per day (3 total) through the app to the audience. Normally reserved for show management, these short messages can help the sponsor get information out to the attendees
2 full conference passes
Table top exhibit space at the SLC Event
Logo on all attendee event promotions
Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
Pre and post- conference list of attendee mailing addresses
Opportunity for a one time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send.
Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year