Display Price:
- Recognized as the sponsor of a breakout track room
- Sponsor representative may introduce all the speakers within the sponsored track
- Sponsor representative may greet all incoming attendees visiting the track’s sessions
- Table provided in back of the room for literature distribution
- Sponsor-provided (easel) signs and self-standing banners may be placed in ballroom
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC conference
- 2 full conference passes
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post- conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Up to a full-page ad in America’s Safest Companies November 2019 issue
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
- Compliance
- Safety & Risk Management
- Safety Technology
- Construction