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Share your cultural activation and be featured as the Destination Pavilion on the XLIVE Exhibit Hall.
Opportunity Rights and Benefits:
- Prominent logo placement on signage
- Logo included on XLIVE website Main Page
- Featured as a Destination Pavilion exhibitor at the program
- Sponsor will be apart a Destination Pavilion exhibitor at the program
- One 10×20 blank exhibit space
- Includes table and two chairs
- Destination can create a cultural activation around their exhibit space
- Destination can nominate an executive to participate in the CVB & Destination Workshop
- Destination can provide a 30 second video clip on their organization to be incorporated in the Destinations of XLIVE Recap Video
- Destination receives five (5) targeted meetings with event producers
- Organization name, logo, and 50-word company description included on XLIVE Website Sponsor Page
- Included on the show floor in the XLIVE App
- Four (4) internal all-access conference registrations
- Six (6) external all-access conference registrations to allocate to attendees outside your organization