Event: Safety Leadership 2019
- Sponsor of the table-top exhibit area at the Safety Leadership Conference – denoted by signage provided by EHS Today
- Noted as the sponsor of the big prize giveaway for “The Safety Challenge” that will be collected at the sponsoring booth. *Sponsor will have the opportunity to provide a small giveaway to each attendee participating in the game once they turn in their game board
- Special designation on floor plan layout in attendee program notebook noting table top location
- 2 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space and first choice placement in foyer area to reach highest amount of attendee traffic
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post-conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one-time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
2 /3Content:
- Recognized as co-sponsor of Award Night Out Celebration on Wednesday, November 6 in Dallas
- Sponsor logo, prominently displayed throughout the venue (signage on appetizer table, bar area, etc.)
- Opportunity to provide gift/handout for each attendee (i.e. bags, promotional items, samples, etc.)
- Optional raffle drawing (prizes provided by sponsor)
- 3 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on website with link
- Pre and post- conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Up to a full-page ad in America’s Safest Companies November 2018 issue
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
- Recognized as the exclusive sponsor of the session breaks (refreshments and snacks are served in between sessions on Wednesday and Thursday located in break-out area with the highest traffic)
- Sponsor logo, prominently displayed on signage in the break-out area
- 2 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC conference
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre- and post-conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
1 /1Charging Station Sponsor
- Recognized as the exclusive sponsor of the Charging Station throughout the Safety Leadership Conference
- Sponsor logo, prominently displayed throughout the venue; meter board signage near the charging station
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- 2 full conference passes
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre- and post-conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one-time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send.Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
Text Sale Deadline:
1 /1Content:
- Exclusive sponsor of the custom hotel room keys that will be provided to all conference attendees who are staying at the official conference hotel
- Company name and logo prominently displayed on one side of key card, with SLC event logo on the other
- 2 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the Safety Leadership event
- Logo on all attendee event promotion
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post- conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one-time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
- Recognized as the exclusive sponsor of the conference breakfasts & lunches
- Sponsor logo, prominently displayed during the time meals are served
- 3-5 Sponsor slides looping presentation when meals are served
- 2 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC Event
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post- conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send.
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
- Sponsor of the Safety Leadership Conference event app (downloadable through iTunes store or Google Play)
- Company logo on the splash screen, alongside the EHS Today SLC logo, everytime a user enters the app
- Banner ad at the top of the home screen
- Top priority placement within the Sponsors section
- Ability to post up to 3 documents within the Show Document section
- Sponsor will be permitted to send one alert per day (3 total) through the app to the audience. Normally reserved for show management, these short messages can help the sponsor get information out to the attendees
- 2 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC Event
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post- conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send.
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
1 /1Content:
- Recognized as the exclusive sponsor of the conference portfolio notepads provided to each attendee upon check-in
- Sponsor’s logo and Safety Leadership Conference logo placed on the front cover of all portfolio notepads
- Sponsor is allowed to place a pen with branded logo in each portfolio notepad
- 2 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post-conference list of attendee email and mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
1 /1Presentation Portal Sponsor
- Recognized as the exclusive sponsor of the conference presentation portal including session presentations and handouts made accessible to each attendee after the event
- Sponsor may provide a company-branded item to each conference attendee
- Sponsor logo will appear on the postcard distributed onsite with the Conference Presentation Portal information, ASC awards presentation information and application
- 2 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post- conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one-time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
- Exclusive sponsor of conference program guide that is distributed to each attendee upon arrival
- Full-page ad in conference program
- Logo and name on back cover of conference program
- 2 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post- conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide HTML and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
1 /1Registration Sponsor
- Exclusive sponsor of attendee lanyards and name tag logo branding, lanyards and name tags will be imprinted with company name/logo
- Sponsor may provide pen or small company-branded item at registration for each attendee
- 2 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC conference
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post-conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
1 /1Safety in Motion Fashion Show Featured Sponsor
Get in on the buzz and branding surrounding the first-ever Safety in Motion Fashion Show taking place at the America’s Safest Companies Awards Night Out Reception on Tuesday, November 6. Align your company as the featured sponsor of this fun, interactive format showcasing innovations in PPE, wearable technologies, safety products and applications with emphasis on comfort, fit and style.
- Table top exhibit space at SLC event
- Two (2) full conference passes, plus a 50% discounted registration rates extended to additional attendees from your organization
- Pre-and post- SLC conference list of attendees mailing addresses through a 3rd party mail house (postage fees not included)
- Sponsor logo prominently displayed on the conference website with link to your website and your logo on all attendee event promotions surrounding the Safety in Motion Fashion Show
- Signage onsite promoting your company as the featured sponsor of the Safety in Motion Fashion Show, including a meterboard sign on stage during the presentation and show
- Recognition as the featured sponsor and presentation of up to 10 products during the Safety in Motion Fashion Show
- Welcome/interstitial ad in the Safety in Motion Fashion Show photo gallery and up to 10 products hosted on EHS Today’s website featuring pictures/products from the show
- Promotion on EHS Today, IndustryWeek and New Equipment Digest newsletters mentioning your company as the featured Safety in Motion Fashion Show sponsor
- Full page product spotlight adjacent to your display ad in the December issue of EHS
- Today featuring up to 10 products on display at the Safety in Motion Fashion Show
- 1 post-show dedicated email sent to all SLC attendees
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship for the following year
Text Sale Deadline:
Safety in Motion Fashion Show Media Sponsor
- One (1) full conference passes, plus 50% discounted registration rates extended to additional SLC attendees from your organization
- Up to four (4) product placements in the Safety in Motion Fashion Show and the online photo gallery
- Up to four (4) Product Spotlight mentions and a full page ad in the December issue of EHS Today
- Additional product placements available at $500 each with limit of 8 total product placements
Text Sale Deadline:
- 50% discounted registration rates extended to SLC attendees from your organization
- Up to two (2) product placements in the Safety in Motion Fashion Show and the online photo gallery
- Up to two (2) Product Spotlight mentions in the December issue of EHS Today
- Additional product placements available at $500 each with limit of 8 total product placements
Text Sale Deadline:
1 /4Content:
- Exclusive sponsor of a Safety Tour on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 during the SLC event
- One sponsor representative may accompany the tour (schedule permitting) and use bus time to introduce attendees to their company
- Table top display in tour holding room for literature distribution and promotion
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- Inclusion of one question on the safety tour survey
- 2 full conference passes
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/information prominently displayed on conference website with link
- Full list of email addresses of facility tour attendees
- Pre-and post- SLC conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
Text Sale Deadline:
1 /1Content:
- Exclusive, prominent listing as Title Sponsor on all conference promotion
- Award Night Out Sponsorship (one of three sponsors)
- Attendee welcome and introduction of one keynote presentation
- Recognition as title sponsor in national PR Newswire press release
- Lead Generation Program included; choice of webinar or pop quiz. Work with content team and show management on timing and topic selection
- Opportunity to provide gift/handout for each attendee (i.e. bags, logo, pens)
- 6 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- Sponsor-provided (easel) signs and self-standing banners may be placed in ballroom
- Company logo/information prominently displayed on conference website with link
- Pre-and post-SLC conference list of attendee mailing and email addresses
- Reserved table at all meals. Two seats at head table with Chief Editor, and Keynote Speakers
- Up to a full-page ad in America’s Safest Companies November 2019 issue
- Logo included on SLC Sponsor Appreciation ad in November 2019 issue
- 728w x 90h Banner ad for 12 months on Safety Leadership Conference section on EHStoday.com
- Top level sponsorship in America’s Safest Companies eNewsletter, deployed one week after the event
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
- Recognized as the sponsor of a breakout track room
- Sponsor representative may introduce all the speakers within the sponsored track
- Sponsor representative may greet all incoming attendees visiting the track’s sessions
- Table provided in back of the room for literature distribution
- Sponsor-provided (easel) signs and self-standing banners may be placed in ballroom
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC conference
- 2 full conference passes
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post- conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Up to a full-page ad in America’s Safest Companies November 2019 issue
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
- Compliance
- Safety & Risk Management
- Safety Technology
- Construction
Text Sale Deadline:
/1Virtual Event/SLC Day of Learning
- Exclusive sponsor of the SLC Day of Learning virtual event/webinar to execute in Q4
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- 2 full conference passes
- Ad in conference program guide promoting the Day of Learning
- Company logo/information prominently displayed on conference website with link
- Pre-and post-SLC conference list of attendee mailing and email addresses
- Opportunity for a one-time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Editorial staff to compile content for SLC Day of Learning from the “Best of SLC” presentations – keynotes, workshops, speaking sessions, and will coordinate 3 separate 30-45 minute webinar events, with a Q&A session with EHS Today audience members for each event. We will promote at SLC and after SLC, to gain maximum exposure. The Day of Learning event will give our full audience the opportunity to experience the “best of” this year’s conference, and will associate your company as the thought leader bringing together all of the winning content
- Prominent branding throughout the Day of Learning. Recorded content will be available on-demand after the virtual event
- Sponsor will receive all Day of Learning registration leads including on-demand post event registrations
- Up to a full-page ad in America’s Safest Companies November 2019 issue
- Logo included on SLC Sponsor Appreciation ad in November 2019 issue
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
- Recognized as the exclusive sponsor of the Welcome Cocktail Reception on Tuesday, November 5, 2019
- Sponsor logo, prominently displayed throughout the venue (banners on appetizer table, bar area, etc.)
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- 2 full conference passes
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/info displayed on conference website with link
- Pre and post-conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Opportunity for a one time eBlast sent to conference attendees. Sponsor to provide template/creative and EHS Today will send
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
EHS Today will host an inaugural Women in Safety panel discussion during the Safety Leadership Conference in Dallas on November 5.Content:
EHS Today will host an inaugural Women in Safety panel discussion during the Safety Leadership Conference in Dallas on November 5.
The event will provide an opportunity for some of the industry’s most successful women to discuss the challenges and opportunities they see in safety today and to inspire a new generation of women to continue their progress.
Women and men are invited to network and discuss the vital role women play in making sure each worker goes home safe. An all-female panel will provide insight based on personal experiences.
Dedicated time at the beginning of the session is scheduled for networking and meet-ups. The panel discussion will be led by Stefanie Valentic, associate editor of EHS Today.
This program occurs either the morning or afternoon of November 5 and runs concurrently with the Safety Leadership Conference workshop offerings; lunch is provided for all conference participants on November 5.
Opportunity Details
- Exclusive sponsor host of the Women in Safety program on Tuesday, November 5, 2019
- All Women in Safety content and time of program will be confirmed with the direction/approval of the EHS Today Staff
- Women in Safety title and abstract promoted on the conference website
- Women in Safety title and abstract printed in the on-site attendee conference program
- (2) full conference passes
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/information prominently displayed on conference website with link
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- Complete contact list with full demographics for each attendee that enters Women in Safety program
- Pre-and post- SLC conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline:
2 /6Content:
- Sponsor host of a workshop on Tuesday, November 5, 2019
- All workshop content and time of session will be confirmed with the direction/approval of the EHS Today Staff
- Workshop session title and abstract promoted on the conference website
- Workshop session title and abstract printed in the onsite attendee conference program
- (2) full conference passes
- Logo on all attendee event promotions
- Company logo/information prominently displayed on conference website with link
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC event
- Complete contact list with full demographics for each attendee that enters workshop
- Pre-and post- SLC conference list of attendee mailing addresses
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year
Text Sale Deadline: