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  • Highlighted as an Esca Bona Influence Sponsor.
    • 25% larger logo than Growth Sponsors, and listed in marketing pieces, onsite signage, and the Escabona.com website.
    • Two complimentary sponsor Esca Bona registrations.
    • One social media push before the show featuring sponsor logo.
  • Prominent company exposure through pre-conference marketing, on-site materials and event signage, and on the Esca Bona website.
  • Official sponsor of Esca Bona Conference Networking Breaks. Stretching and light exercise will be incorporated into conference breaks along with food and beverage stations to boost attendee concentration and alertness while combating conference sitting fatigue.
  • Company logo featured on Conference Networking Break signage.
  • Opportunity to donate product to be distributed during each break.
  • Limited to two participating companies. One snack sponsor and one beverage sponsor.
