Display Price:
3 /5Featured Opportunity
Major SponsorType/s:
Activities & EventsEducationSponsored ContentFormat:
In-Person & VirtualExcerpt:
Sponsorship of one of our 5 SMART conference tracks, inclusive of a networking break during the event
- 1 x 30-minute onsite content session as part of the track program with your chosen speaker and topic. The presentation will be recorded and streamed within 24 hrs. on-demand via our SMART event platform up until 1 wk. post-event – content to be agreed in collaboration with our team.
- Receive an MP4 video of the session post-event for your own marketing activities
- Include two documents for download within the track promoted via our SMART event platform – it could be a whitepaper, report, URL, etc.
- Contribution to teaser video (either soundbite or text submission from your speaker)
- 1 x Learning Lab (online only), an excellent opportunity for more commercial messaging – see Learning Lab offering for full details
- Your logo included wherever the track is mentioned on our SMART event platform, on social media, on our website, onsite agenda, and in email campaigns
- Logo included on the onsite visual representation artist’s drawing
- 1 x dedicated social media post highlighting your organization as a track sponsor
- 1 x dedicated email campaign promoting the conference track and your sponsorship
- Receive the GDPR qualified leads to all conference sessions within your dedicated track. This includes anyone who has registered for and attended the content sessions either online or onsite
- Post-event, we will continue to gate the content on CPHI Online for an additional three months, where you will continue to collect leads