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Communication strategies for the quality dietary supplement market.
Inside the Bottle unites companies from across the supply chain to advocate for a transparent supplement industry and help consumers take control of their health with dietary supplements. In 2024, this award-winning initiative will explore issues related to building consumer trust and knowledge through B2B and media education. Topics will include defining and understanding clinical science, highlighting traditional botanical wisdom, illuminating research about consumer needs and gaps and elevating supplement industry leadership.
Now in its ninth year, Inside the Bottle is a unifying force for communicating the supplement industry’s collective industry vision; providing a forum for identifying challenges; elevating best practices; and promoting diversity, access and inclusivity within the dietary supplement industry.
Sales Deadline: February 15, 2024
Partner Inclusions:
- Kickoff Leadership Gathering: The virtual event invites partners and other industry experts and stakeholders to come together to develop a roadmap for this year’s program. We discuss supplement industry priorities, challenges and opportunities. This year’s focus will be on science and building consumer trust. This discussion builds program unity, influencing key messaging priorities for Inside the Bottle 2024.
- Monthly eNewsletter: Our highly engaged B2B eNewsletter highlights the latest news and updates in the world of supplements, including announcements from our Inside the Bottle partners and the latest Inside the Bottle content, plus key industry reporting in the news. Twelve issues will go out in 2024 to New Hope Network and Natural Products Insider audiences.
- Leadership Voices: Profiles in Industry Expertise – custom videos: CEOs and senior leaders from our partner companies take center-stage to talk challenges and solutions in these dynamic short videos. By exploring industry themes and opportunities, these thought leadership videos elevate your team, company leadership and your mission in alignment with ITB core messages. One custom video per partner published and direct custom email marketing campaign via NHN, NPI; PR campaign, directing to custom ITB URL.
- Inside the Bottle PR campaign:
- For the first time, ITB will create a professional PR campaign to amplify program messaging and industry leadership voices. This campaign will target B2B and consumer broadcast, print, online media and podcasts, increasing awareness around key dietary supplement themes by leveraging ITB content and partner leadership voices. In support of the PR campaign, ITB is developing a custom campaign landing page that will serve as a destination for core program messages and content. This campaign will focus both on full ITB program awareness (related to industry quality, science and integrity) and partner brand awareness.
- Inside the Bottle Virtual Community Summit: Continuing to elevate the messages and practices defining supplement industry integrity, 2024 will overview the health of the industry. Including Nutrition Business Journal industry data and consumer insights, we’ll then dive into key B2B and B2C communications messaging and tactics to support industry quality awareness, focusing on scientific rigor, clinical evidence and quality testing. 90-minute lead-generating webinar.
- Bi-montly Trend Spotlight: Industry Category Analysis: This bi-monthly trend spotlight highlights key category trends– powered by sales data and featuring NBJ analysis. The Trend Spotlight is designed to keep the industry on top of category demand, providing timely quick takes on what’s needed to plan for product priorities and promotions. Spotlights include email marketing with ITB program partners awareness and will also be featured within the ITB newsletter.
- Supplement Industry Special Report: A guide to communicating supplement science: The supplement industry stands behind science—and science drives quality. Our award-winning ITB reports dig deep, and in 2024, we’re expanding our focus on communication strategies related to supplement science. Topics include supply chain traceability and verification, quality testing and understanding clinical science and controlled clinical studies. We aim to deliver best practice solutions for communicating this information in a digestible way for brands and consumers. Published and marketing via New Hope and Natural Products Insider.
- Quarterly thought leaders call and program check in: Join New Hope Network, Natural Products Insider and fellow Inside the Bottle partners for a quarterly high-energy discussion of top-of-mind issues in the dietary supplement industry. A singular topic for discussion to be provided in advance of meetings. Key program needs and performance shared.
- Program Marketing, Overview: All custom content inclusions will receive performance marketing campaigns which include email marketing, social media posts, email newsletter mentions. A comprehensive performance marketing report will be included at full program conclusion. Certain interim program metrics may be reported within the year. Performance metrics will include pertinent performance and audience metrics, including email performance, lead delivery, page views and other pertinent data.