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Mobile App Opportunities
Make sure your company name, booth number and information is at the fingertips of all visitors through dynamic, measurable and easily editable ads on the SupplySide East Mobile App.

Sponsorship Deliverables:

Secondary Opening Splash Ads

  • With this premium sponsorship, a full-screen advertisement is presented to the user each time the app is opened or refreshed (after 5 minutes of non-activity)
  • Ad will be in rotation with one other Sponsored ad
  • Artwork sizing: 2038 x 2688px (1242 x 2688px safe area)
  • Sponsorship: 2 available at $4,000 each

Rotating Banner Ads

  • These rotating ads which appear on most of the pages in the app allowing you to promote your brand or product. Once clicked, the user is redirected to your full exhibitor listing
  • Artwork sizing: 1242 x 213px (1072 x 213px safe area)
  • Sponsorship: 3 available at $4,000 each