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Get in on the buzz and branding surrounding the first-ever Safety in Motion Fashion Show taking place at the America’s Safest Companies Awards Night Out Reception on Tuesday, November 6. Align your company as the featured sponsor of this fun, interactive format showcasing innovations in PPE, wearable technologies, safety products and applications with emphasis on comfort, fit and style.


  • Table top exhibit space at SLC event
  • Two (2) full conference passes, plus a 50% discounted registration rates extended to additional attendees from your organization
  • Pre-and post- SLC conference list of attendees mailing addresses through a 3rd party mail house (postage fees not included)
  • Sponsor logo prominently displayed on the conference website with link to your website and your logo on all attendee event promotions surrounding the Safety in Motion Fashion Show
  • Signage onsite promoting your company as the featured sponsor of the Safety in Motion Fashion Show, including a meterboard sign on stage during the presentation and show
  • Recognition as the featured sponsor and presentation of up to 10 products during the Safety in Motion Fashion Show
  • Welcome/interstitial ad in the Safety in Motion Fashion Show photo gallery and up to 10 products hosted on EHS Today’s website featuring pictures/products from the show
  • Promotion on EHS Today, IndustryWeek and New Equipment Digest newsletters mentioning your company as the featured Safety in Motion Fashion Show sponsor
  • Full page product spotlight adjacent to your display ad in the December issue of EHS
  • Today featuring up to 10 products on display at the Safety in Motion Fashion Show
  • 1 post-show dedicated email sent to all SLC attendees
  • Right of first refusal of sponsorship for the following year