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- Exclusive, prominent listing as sole title sponsor on all conference and ASC Awards Program marketing materials
- Company name incorporated in conference logo
- Attendee welcome and introduction of keynote speakers
- Recognition as title sponsor in national PR Newswire press release
- Opportunity to provide gift/handout for each attendee (i.e. bags, logo’d pens)
- 6 full conference passes
- Table top exhibit space at the SLC conference
- Sponsor-provided (easel) signs and self-standing banners may be placed in ballroom
- Logo on all attendee pre-and post-SLC promotion
- Company logo/information prominently displayed on conference website with link
- Pre-and post-SLC conference list of attendee mailing and email addresses
- Reserved table at all meals. Two seats at head table with M&SC Group VP, Chief Editor, and Keynote Speakers
- Up to a full-page ad in America’s Safest Companies November 2017 issue
- Logo included on SLC Sponsor Appreciation ad in November 2017 issue
- 728w x 90h Banner ad for 12 months on Safety Leadership Conference section on EHStoday.com
- Top level sponsorship in America’s Safest Companies eNewsletter
- Discounted registration rate extended to additional attendees from sponsoring organization
- Right of first refusal of sponsorship in following year