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Digital Advertising
The Expo website houses all information related to Expo East. All Expo attendees and exhibitors visit www.expoeast.com leading into, during and following the show to get show information. It is a great way to engage a very targeted group of decision makers, build brand and product awareness, and drive booth traffic and quality, targeted web traffic.

All unique visitors to www.expoeast.com will be greeted by large (640X480) ad before being able to access content. Ensures ad is seen by visitors to our site in a very prominent manner. 

Why you want it:

  • Displays an ad to the user on their first visit and for a specified length of time
  • “Sponsored Introduction” is displayed with a countdown
  • A “continue” link is included to ensure optimal user experience
  • Guaranteed 25,000 impressions
  • Average Click Through Rate: 1.02%