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Additional Sponsorship OpportunitiesExcerpt:
Offer SupplySide East attendees the convenience of checking their bags and coats prior to walking around the expo hall! This service is complimentary to all show participants and they will have you to thank!
Sponsorship Deliverables:
- Sponsor logo on Baggage and Coat Check structure located outside the Meadowlands Exposition Center
- Baggage and Coat Check will be open on Tuesday April 9, 9:30am – 4:30pm and Wednesday April 10, 9:30am – 4pm
- Meadowlands Exposition Center employees will staff Baggage and Coat Check
- Sponsor logo on rip tickets given to those attendees who check their bags/coats
- Baggage and Coat Check hours and location will be called out on the Plan Your Visit and FAQ pages of SupplySide East website and in Show Guide with sponsor logo recognition