Display Price:
$15,000 - $18,000Status:
In-Person & VirtualExcerpt:
Is your company filled with a wealth of knowledge and a thought leader in the industry? If yes, then an Exhibitor Presented Seminar (EPS) is the perfect place for your company to share exciting new information and in-depth analysis on the topic of your choice in a 60 or 90-minute seminar. Help the Natural Products community learn more and grow with this opportunity!
Marketing Opportunity Inclusions:
- Pre-Show**
- Exhibitor Presented Seminar title, description, speaker information, and Company logo listed on the Natural Products Expo West online schedule.
- Exhibitor Presented Seminar title and Company logo printed in the Show Directory Map* and in Natural Food Merchandiser (March edition.)*
- Seminar to be marketed as free to attend to all NPEW badge holders.
- On-Site**
- Room rental and standard room set provided.
- Theater style seating.
- Stage with 1 podium and up to 5 chairs for speakers.
- Standard A/V set provided.
- 1 Podium microphone and up to 5 handheld or 5 lavaliere microphones available.
- LCD projector and projection screen.
- 6’ outreach table to feature Company’s products or literature during the seminar. Extra product may be placed beneath table and restocked by company representatives.
- Company logo, seminar time and title featured on 1M sign at room entrance.
- Lead retrieval scanner and operator provided at room entrance to capture attendee data.
- Room rental and standard room set provided.
- Post-Show**
- Seminar attendee scan data provided to Company for post-show lead follow up.
- Video recording of Exhibitor’s seminar provided.
- Virtual Inclusions:
- Exhibitor Presented Seminars will be recorded and available on-demand in the Natural Products Expo West Virtual platform.
- Opportunity to provide seminar slide deck for virtual attendees to download.
- Company logo featured in EPS video package.
- Exhibitor Presented Seminar title, description, speaker information and Company logo listed on the Natural Products Expo West Virtual agenda.
- 60-minute Exhibitor Presented Seminar: $15,000
- 90-minute Exhibitor Presented Seminar: $18,000
- Exhibitor Presented Seminars location: Anaheim Marriott
- Seminar to be comprised entirely of exhibitor content.
- Exhibitor is responsible for securing speakers and speaker deliverables.
- All claims and content are subject to approval by New Hope Standards.
- Disclaimer included with promotion of seminar indicating that the content is provided by the exhibitor and may not reflect the views of New Hope Network.
- Online recognition begins once contract is received.
- Last date to contract: Friday, February 3, 2023.
- Sales Deadline in order to be printed in the Show Directory: Friday, January 13, 2023.
- Non-exclusive marketing opportunity.
*Based on date contracted.
**Exhibitor Presented Seminars are currently scheduled to take place at Natural Products Expo West. In the event of a show cancellation, EPS’ will still be deployed digitally to the Natural Products audience in an equally impactful way.