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In-Person & VirtualExcerpt:
Get noticed in the 'This is SupplySide' video series! Each morning of SupplySide East pre-registered attendees will receive a Daily Schedule Email including a 'This is SupplySide' episode. Each pre-recorded episode will provide attendees with a rundown of that day’s show highlights. Take advantage of this exclusive high-profile opportunity today before it’s too late.
Sponsorship Deliverables:
- ‘This is SupplySide’ video series consists of 2-3 episodes which provide daily highlights about what’s happening at the show
- Episodes are 60 seconds or less and are produced by the SupplySide team
- Sponsor logo recognition included in video graphics (lower screen & end/outro screen) in each episode
- Due to the extremely tight turnaround to produce and post the episodes, sponsor will not have the opportunity to provide or proof content
- Sponsor verbal acknowledgement of company name or brand by SupplySide host in each episode
- Pan over of sponsor’s booth will be included in at least one (1) episode
- Episodes will be included in daily schedule emails sent to pre-registered visitors & exhibitors each morning of the show, including sponsor logo recognition within the email
- Episodes will be posted each day of the show on all SupplySide social media channels
- Sponsor to be tagged in all social media captions if the sponsor has an account on that social media platform
This individual sponsorship does not meet the minimal spend to receive sponsor benefits.