Display Price:
$3000 - $11,000

Marketing Opportunity
Content Marketing
Natural Foods Merchandiser (NFM) magazine is the most trusted trade publication in the nearly $300 billion natural products industry, reaching 65,000 retail decision makers. NFM provides grocery retailers with daily resources and insights, making it the ideal platform to build brand awareness, announce new products, and communicate trade deals. Engage with key buyers and drive booth traffic at major events with NFM's extensive reach and targeted distribution.

  • Marketing Opportunity
  • This exciting, information-packed issue will feature data and analysis on top retail categories, best practices, and stats to help retailers plan for the year ahead. Discovery and connection will be focal points as we share what to expect from Newtopia Now.
    • 92% read NFM to learn about new products and trends, 82% read NFM once a week or more, 78% interact with NFM content in multiple places and 28% view NFM content to their mobile device.
  • The retail deep dive section will explore regenerative agriculture, how to educate consumers and sell the concept. This will be a companion article to the June NFM Webinar!
    • Additional features include important category data, Newtopia Now trends, and a comprehensive show guide to Newtopia Now!
  • Pricing Options:
    • Full Page Spread – $11,000
    • Half Page Spread – $9,000
    • Full Page – $6,500
    • Junior Page – $5,000
    • Half Page – $4,000
    • Third Page – $3,000


Sale Deadline:
