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Brand AwarenessGraphicsSustainability

Sponsorship Opportunity Inclusions:

  • Recognition as a Gold Sponsor
  • Sponsor logo included on all promotions of the Natural Products Expo West Waste Diversion program and be featured on all NPEW sustainability platforms; including but not limited to online, emails, and the onsite sustainability zone.
  • 15 Sponsor-branded trash can units with 3 panels of branding space available on each, placed throughout the ACC and North Hall indoor public spaces. Location of structures to share with sponsor prior to show.
    • Header Panel (77 1/2” x 26 1/8”)
    • Right Side Panel (26 9/16” x 27 15/16”)
    • Left Side Panel (26 9/16” x 27 15/16”)
  • 5 partially Sponsor-branded outdoor vertical banners placed by trash receptacles throughout the Grand Plaza, Palm Court, and Arena Plaza.
    • Artwork design space is shared with New Hope Network to promote waste diversion messaging.
      • Opportunity for sponsor to fully design the top 2/3 of artwork (56″ x 24″)
      • Show Management to design bottom 1/3 of artwork (28″ x 24″)
    • New Hope Network to provide an indoor meter board matching the outdoor vertical banners to be placed at the Tetra Pak private appointment room.
  • All Sponsor-branded signage to be placed in highly visible areas for the duration of Natural Products Expo West: March 4– 7, 2025.


  • Sponsor to provide artwork. Show Management to produce graphics. All artwork is subject to approval by New Hope Standards.
  • Artwork deadline: Friday, January 17, 2025.
  • Last date to contract: Friday, January 10, 2025.
  • Exclusive sponsorship opportunity. 

Text Sale Deadline:
January 10th, 2025.
