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Brand AwarenessExcerpt:
Elevate your brand to the spotlight! Your logo will shine pre-show and onsite to the entire Newtopia Now audience. Enjoy prime exposure with your logo featured on every registration confirmation email sent before and during the show and every printed badge. Don’t miss out on the ultimate opportunity to ensure all eyes are on your logo throughout the Newtopia Now!
- Platinum Level Sponsorship
- Limit 1
- Booth inclusion: 10’ x 20’
- Furniture package
- Option to decline furniture package for complete customization
- (1) Product in the Newtopia Market
- Matchmaking Eligibility
- Full-color logo featured on the front and back of every Newtopia Now badge
- Full-color logo included on registration confirmation emails
- Badges distributed at onsite registration and badge pick-up locations throughout Newtopia Now campus