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Get your brand involved with one of the 2 brand new chef demos occurring on Thursday, July 10th in the MCC Level 2 Steinbeck Foyer outside of the newest addition to the exhibit hall! The hour and a half demonstrations will include attendee engagement, live cooking and preparation, and a tasting experience. Sponsor logo to be heavily featured on the onsite signage, napkins, and demo counter. Sponsor to work closely with show management and chef to incorporate donated sponsor product into a recipe.
Benefits Include:
- Two additional complimentary attendee passes
- Free Half page ad in the show directory ($500 value);
- Free space in Organic Product Innovation Showcase ($300 value);
- Early access to hotel room block if contracted before 1/10/25
- Exclusive booth selection opportunity for verified OPS exhibitors if contracted before 2/28/25
- Prominent logo placement in all trade advertising platforms, OPS website, direct mail, eblasts, press releases, social media promotional material and sponsor signage throughout venues