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Digital AdvertisingFormat:
Get the digital audience's attention whether you are in your booth at the Pennsylvania Convention Center or manning your virtual booth from home with this recurring advertising opportunity.
- 60-second video or animated ad featured during each of the coffee breaks within the pre-show virtual and hybrid streamed education sessions during Natural Products Expo East.
- Full screen video advertisement played before and after the virtual sessions leading up to Expo East on September 1, 8, and 15 and then before and after the Onsite Livestreamed Keynotes September 22-24.
- Video, multi-image or animated advertisement features audio capabilities.
- Last date to contract: Friday, August 13.
- Company to provide artwork. Show management will determine order of videos. All artwork is subject to approval by New Hope Standards.
- Artwork Deadline: Friday, August 20.
- Non-exclusive marketing opportunity.