Display Price:
$295 ($350 without purchase of Product Showcase)Status:
Get your products noticed before, during and after the show! Attendees will use this tool to find all of the new products they want to see at Natural Products Expo West. It will also provide a means for attendees to contact you before the show to set appointments or after the show to ask follow-up questions.
Inclusions with this promotional opportunity:
- Online recognition pre and post show.
- Online showcase to feature a product.
- Showcase features: company name, booth number, state & country, contact information, link to email, web address, product category type, company logo and description, product image and description.
Marketing details:
Traffic will be driven to the Natural Products Expo West Digital Product Showcases via the following vehicles.
- Link from the official Show App.
- Promoted in pre-show email.
- Promoted in post-show email to registered attendees.
- Rotating banner ad displayed on Natural Products Expo West website with direct link to all Digital Product Showcases pre show.
Opportunity details:
- Must be approved by New Hope Network Standards Department.
- Rotating banner will be a general advertisement for all Digital Product Showcases and will directly link to the Digital Product Showcase host page on the Natural Products Expo West website.
- Company description approximately 255 characters.
- Product description approximately 1000 characters.
- Company Logo (.gif or .jpeg, max 30 KB, 50W x 50H).
- Product Image (.gif or .jpeg, max 300 KB, 500W x 300H).
Supporting Documents: