Display Price:
Want an all-inclusive marketing package on a budget? World Tea’s Exhibits Plus program is a valuable and affordable marketing option that gives Exhibitors great visibility before and during the show.
Inclusions with this sponsorship opportunity:
- Enhanced exhibitor listing including logo and video on World Tea Expo website.
- Your company logo in Official World Tea Expo Show Guide.
- Your company logo on the World Tea Expo event website in Exhibitor Listing page
- Inclusion in one Pre-Show email to attendees recognizing World Tea Expo Exhibits Plus Exhibitors
- Customized Exhibit Hall pass with free admission for your clients, plus discounted conference registration code.
- Right to use WTE branding to promote your company’s presence at the show.
Mobile App:
- In-app Exhibitor listing including: Company Name, Booth number, 50 word description and product categories.
- Company highlighted in all listings and search results, plus listing in the Featured Exhibitors section.
- Full screen ad that displays when Buyers click on your link.
- Virtually showcase up to three products with photos, description, plus up to three showcase offers all within the mobile app.
- Fully indexed and searchable content.
- One post-show mailing via approved third-party direct mail service (sponsor provide mailing pieces and postage).
- A-la-carte assets available at a 20% discount.
Opportunity details:
- Non-exclusive opportunity.