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Brand AwarenessShow Feature
The highlight of the educational component of OPS is a series of keynote presentations that will inspire, inform, and enlighten all attendees. Framed in TedTalk format, these (3) fast-paced presentations are entertaining and thought-provoking. Sponsorship includes outstanding on-site signage and tremendous publicity for six-months leading up to the Summit.

The highlight of the educational component of OPS is a series of keynote presentations that will inspire, inform, and enlighten all attendees. Framed in TedTalk format, these (3) fast-paced presentations are entertaining and thought-provoking. Sponsorship includes outstanding on-site signage and tremendous publicity for six-months leading up to the Summit.

Benefits Include:

  • 30 second promotional video to air prior to a keynote session;
  • Three additional complimentary attendee passes
  • Free Full-page ad in the OPS show directory; ($1,000 value)
  • Free space in Organic Product Innovation Showcase; ($300 value)
  • Early access to hotel room block if contracted before 1/10/25
  • Exclusive booth selection opportunity for verified OPS exhibitors if contracted before 2/28/25
  • Prominent logo placement in all trade advertising platforms, OPS website, direct mail, eblasts, press releases, social media promotional material and sponsor signage throughout venues