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Does your company have something exciting to share with the industry? Looking to talk through the latest in your company’s thought leadership? Then Leader’s Digest is the perfect opportunity for your brand. Sit down and talk with a veteran of the industry while you create a meaningful piece of content that can be shared throughout multiple channels.

Sponsor Opportunity Inclusions:

  • Recognition as a Silver Sponsor.
  • Prominent Sponsor logo exposure through pre-conference marketing, NBJ Summit website, on-site materials/event signage and virtual platform branding
  • 5-10 Minute interview conducted on-site at NBJ Summit.
    • Topics and interview questions to be pre-determined with interviewee.
  • Brand to receive full recording, along with an edited 1–2 minute video.
    • Full video will be featured on-demand in the NBJ Summit Virtual Platform and newhope.com.
  • Post-show email promoting all videos, sent to all registered attendees and NBJ Newsletter Subscribers.
    • Sales deadline: June 27, 2025.
    • Non-exclusive sponsor opportunity.

Sponsor Level Inclusions:

  • Highlighted as Silver sponsor, listed in all marketing pieces including: Onsite Signage, Website, and Advertisements.
  • 1 in-person complimentary badge registrations.
  • 2 virtual complimentary badge registrations.
  • Opportunity to include sample sized product or promotional item in the attendee bag. Product samples are subject to approval by New Hope Standards.

Sale Deadline: