Display Price:
€6,500 per category
Lead GenerationBrand AwarenessThought LeadershipVisitor Attractions
The Life Stages Theatre will provide a platform for selected exhibitors to align themselves as solution providers within a life stage of their choice.
The Life Stages Theatre is a unique Visitor Attraction that has been specifically designed to focus on the specific nutrition requirements needed throughout the stages of a person’s life. It will also include sessions focusing on regulatory guidance and marketing strategies that are of relevance to the specific life stages. For 2019, content has been divided into 3 categories:
Early Life
Adult Health (including Beauty)
Healthy Ageing
The Life Stages Theatre – Category Sponsor package includes:
Your company logo, presentation and speaker information on the Life Stages Theatre page on the Vitafoods Europe website and Mobile App
Your company logo and presentation information in the Life Stages Theatre section of the Pre-Event Newsletter which is mailed to a targeted audience and also available to download on the website
Your company listed on the Sponsors page on the Vitafoods Europe website
Opportunity to deliver a 30 minute presentation at the Life Stages Theatre on selected category
Your company logo on the backdrop of the Life Stages Theatre during the event
Your company logo, presentation and speaker information in the Life Stages Theatre section of the Event Guide
Access to the contact details for all attendees of your selected category (subject to third party approval)
Please note:
There are max 5 sponsors per category
Speaking sessions are allocated on first come first served basis