Display Price:
US $10,000
Brand AwarenessExclusive
Sponsoring the Event Badges is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your brand is present around the event
This includes badges sent out to all pre-registered visitors as well as all badges issued to attendees to the event. The badge is worn by all exhibition visitors, conference delegates, conference speakers and press.
Maximise awareness of your brand to the entire Vitafoods Asia 2018 audience
Drive high visitor traffic to your stand
Exclusivity – This opportunity is limited to 1 company
Minimum of 14,000 marketing impressions
Package includes:
Your company logo on all Visitor, VIP, Delegates and Press Badges available to all exhibition attendees
Your company listed on the Major Sponsors page on the Vitafoods Asia website
Your company logo within the Major Sponsors section in the Vitafoods Asia Event Newsletter
Your company listed on the Major Sponsors page on the Vitafoods Asia Event Guide distributed during the event
Your company listed on the “Thank You Banner” located within the Event Registration Area