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Activities and EventsFormat:
Sponsorship Opportunity Inclusions:
- Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor.
- Prominent Sponsor logo exposure through pre-conference marketing, NBJ Summit website, on-site materials/event signage and virtual platform branding.
- Opportunity to create (1) custom Sponsor themed drink. Drink choice/theme must be approved by Show Management and Venue.
- Table provided inside event space for the opportunity to have product displayed and/or sampled during the event.
- Product samples are subject to approval by New Hope Standards.
- On-site signage featuring Sponsor logo that includes: Welcome sign, table tents, and bar signs.
- Food and beverage package provided by Show Management.
- Exclusive sponsorship opportunity.
Sponsor Level Inclusions:
- Highlighted as Platinum sponsor, listed in all marketing pieces including: Onsite Signage, Website, and Advertisements.
- 3 in-person complimentary badge registrations.
- 4 virtual complimentary badge registrations.
- Opportunity to include sample sized product or promotional item in the attendee bag. Product samples are subject to approval by New Hope Standards.
- Opportunity to set up a table display in the main foyer.