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Sampling sponsors can display three company shippers with samples, throughout the show venue. Show attendees can “grab n’ go” sponsor’s product at their leisure. Great visibility and an opportunity to share your product with OPS retailers and attendees during both days of OPS. Sponsor samples must be packaged, single serving portions. Sponsor responsible for restocking. If item is refrigerated, Sponsor is responsible for managing barrel coolers’ temperature. Sponsorship is not category exclusive and show management is to place sampling locations.

Sampling sponsors can display three company shippers with samples, throughout the show venue. Show attendees can “grab n’ go” sponsor’s product at their leisure. Great visibility and an opportunity to share your product with OPS retailers and attendees during both days of OPS. Sponsor samples must be packaged, single serving portions. Sponsor responsible for restocking. If item is refrigerated, Sponsor is responsible for managing barrel coolers’ temperature. Sponsorship is not category exclusive and show management is to place sampling locations.

Benefits Include:

  • One additional complimentary badge
  • Early access to hotel room block if contracted before 1/10/25
  • Exclusive booth selection opportunity for verified OPS exhibitors if contracted before 2/28/25
  • Prominent logo placement in all trade advertising platforms, OPS website, direct mail, eblasts, press releases, social media promotional material and sponsor signage throughout venues