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In-Person & Virtual
Link your brand as a thought leader to our License Global Theater, the main stage and home to all keynote and seminars throughout the show. Open to all attendees with seating for up to 500 people, the Theater delivers inspirational sessions across all three days, covering a variety of topics such as; forward thinking leadership, trend spotting, educational, sustainability and DE&I content.


  • Included in naming of Theater i.e. “License Global Theater, powered by…”
  • Logo to be included on the agenda page of the website and on the agenda page of the online meeting platform with a link directly through to sponsors online profile page to encourage visitors to book meetings
  • Logo to be included on emails to 12,000 attendees promoting the agenda
  • Included in all press releases relating to content announcement and keynote and other sessions announced across marketing campaign

During Show:

  • Logo and name to be on the main screens “Today’s presentations are powered by..” on loop between session breaks, alongside other event team slides
  • Option for sponsor to provide one video which can also play on loop with event team slides during session breaks
  • Optional – sponsor to provide one giveaway for one seat drop per day. Must be approved in advance and consider sustainability
  • Logo on any main stage physical signage promoted as ‘powered by…’