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Content MarketingExcerpt:
Highlight your expertise and engage your target audience through meaningful content and education. Webinars are a cost-effective way to generate leads and align your company with industry experts. These pre-recorded webinars will be supported via robust marketing campaigns and are provided to your company for evergreen use and audience education.
Your best prospects are individuals who are actively looking for solutions and insights – the key principle that makes webinars so successful. Our 30-minute Quick-fire, all-encompassing webinars are a cost-effective way to generate many leads and align your company with industry experts. Includes post event reporting, downloaded materials and MP4 file of pre-recorded webinar.
- 2-touch email campaign to target retail audience
- 3 posts on New Hope Network social channel(s)
- Promoted in relevant newsletters
- Lead delivery
Sell by date: 8 weeks before Go Live
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