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Education Session UnderwritingFormat:
In-Person & VirtualExcerpt:
Underwriting a FiNA Theater session at SupplySide West & Food ingredients North America will align your brand with high-demand content focusing on topics like upcycling, food/packaging trends, and functional beverages, just to name a few. Our sessions will take place at the FiNA Theater on the show floor and will be livestreamed during the show!
In this engaging roundtable session, the founders of three CPG companies discuss sustainability and what it means for their businesses. Whether it’s sourcing ingredients from local farmers or investing in recycled packaging, sustainability is an integral part of their mission statements. The session is designed to inspire the audience to help make sustainability a core part of their own business operations.
Sponsorship Deliverables:
- FiNA Theater session will take place on Thursday, October 26 from 4:30-5pm located in the Expo Hall
- This date/time is subject to change. Any changes will not negate the agreement
- Underwriter logo recognition on signage promoting the FiNA Theater sessions
- Underwriter logo recognition on signage at the FiNA Theater
- Underwriter may provide literature or promotional item to be distributed at the back of the FiNA Theater during the session
- Underwriter is responsible for bringing literature/promotional items to the FiNA Theater and the set-up/tear-down of items
- Item must be pre-approved by SupplySide Show Management
- Verbal recognition of underwriters at beginning of session
- Underwriter to receive list of session participants post-show with
- Sponsorship program must be paid in full before lead delivery begins
Pre-Show & On-Site Marketing Inclusions:
- Underwriter mentioned in write-ups on appropriate Health & Nutrition brand websites
- Underwriter logo recognition within the schedule on the show website
- FiNA Theater promotion with underwriter logo recognition in the Show Directory
- Underwriter logo recognition in email promotions sent to pre-registered & potential visitors including other relevant show information
- Underwriter logo recognition in daily schedule emails during the show including other relevant show information
- Underwriter logo recognition in a pre-show social media post on SupplySide social channels
- Underwriter logo recognition within the schedule included in the mobile app
Post-Show Marketing Inclusions:
- FiNA Theater sessions will be available on-demand post-show
- Underwriter recognition will be included in post-show promotion of on-demand sessions