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EducationShow ServicesFormat:
The Education Lounge serves as a gathering place for attendees & exhibitors participating in SupplySide's content program. Offer these participants a place to rest their feet in between education sessions by sponsoring the Education Lounge.
Sponsorship deliverables:
- Education lounge will be located in the North Convention Center, Lower Level where all SupplySide education takes place
- Education lounge will be open during education session hours
- Sponsor logo recognition on education lounge signage
- Sponsor logo recognition on charging table clings located just outside of the lounge for attendees to power up their devices
- Two (2) meter boards with sponsor’s custom artwork placed in the education lounge
- Coffee and tea will be provided in the education lounge
- Sponsor logo recognition on beverage signage
- 1 or 2-color company logo on napkins at beverage stations
- Sponsor may provide literature or promotional items to be distributed in the lounge
- Sponsor is responsible for bringing the items and the set-up/removal of them
- Items must be pre-approved by SupplySide Show Management
Marketing inclusions:
- Sponsor logo recognition in emails promoting education to pre-registered and potential participants
- Sponsor logo recognition in daily schedule emails sent to total participants during the show including other relevant show information