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Have your brand associated with a high-end gift, handed 70 VIPs of Natural Products Expo East. Our guided tours will take VIP attendees on a curated journey around the show floor, ending at your booth to receive a high-end gift that they’ve waiting for!
Sponsorship Opportunity Inclusions:
- Recognition as a Gold Sponsor.
- Sponsor logo included on Onsite Signage, Website, Website, Show Directory Map*, and Advertisements*.
- Sponsor logo incorporated into luxury gift item and gift bag given to VIP attendees, hand selected to attend guided tours.
- Gifts to be given away at sponsor’s booth at conclusion of each tour.
- Approximately 70 luxury gifts provided to VIP tour attendees.
- VIP attendees will comprise of Media & Influencers, Press, Retail Buyers, and Food Service Providers/Buyers.
- Tours will start Thursday, September 21 and conclude Saturday, September 23.
- Final tour schedule will be provided to sponsor one week before show.
- Current tour themes are as follows (themes are subject to change):
- What’s Hot in Supplements
- Emerging in Food and Beverage
- Trend Spotlight for Media and Influencers
- Multicultural Product Discovery
- Plant-Based Picks for Food Service with PBFA and Rooted
- Emerging Innovations in CPG
- Wellness and Beauty Trends + Meet and Greet with Jay Shetty
- Gifts to be given away at sponsor’s booth at conclusion of each tour.
- Exclusive sponsorship opportunity.
- Sponsor recognition begins once contract is received.
- Last date to contract: Friday, August 25, 2023.